Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Easter Sunday

I was back in the San Francisco Bay Area last week for business and it happened to coincide with Easter Sunday. That meant that as soon as I turned up at my parent's house they turned me right back out the door to go to church with my little brother. Although I grew up Roman Catholic, I've been less than religious since I moved away from home so going to mass was fairly excruciating. My little brother and I got each other through it though so that meant there wasn't much left to the Easter holiday except to eat. I was able to spend Easter Sunday with my friends, the Beckers, and they cooked up a great meal complete with Easter ham, a cheese blintz souffle with blueberry sauce, fruit salad, and cake with lemon custard. All homemade of course.

It does tend to seem that I spend more time eating when I'm back in the San Francisco Bay Area than doing anything else. I also have the pictures to prove it.

Restaurant/cafe list for this visit in no particular order:

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