Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Warwick Avenue

"Warwick Avenue" by Duffy has got to be my new favorite song!

I'm not sure how popular Duffy is in the US but she's pretty big here in the UK. When she first arrived on the music scene she was mainly billed as an Amy Winehouse imitator with her soulful voice reminiscent of Etta James. At first her single "Mercy" was overplayed on the radio and even included in the Sex and the City Movie so I got sick of hearing her pretty quickly. Then her single "Warwick Avenue" came out and now I'm hooked.

My coworker first brought this song to my attention because Warwick Avenue is the tube stop near where I live. Then I heard a radio interview of Duffy this morning where she was asked why she chose to name her song after this particular tube stop on the Bakerloo line (the brown line for the Americans confused by the TFL map) since there are about 100 she could have chose from. It's a very sad song that she said she wrote when she first moved to London (she's Welsh) and she had to leave all of her family and friends behind. Duffy also said that she was getting over her breakup with her hometown love Tom.

I don't like all of the songs on her latest album but give "Warwick Avenue" a try. I wish her the best of luck since she seems like a nice down-to-earth gal (she's Welsh afterall) who doesn't need to get drugged up and hit the headlines all the time like Amy Winehouse.

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